Term of uses

Terms of use



The website veuvedevienne.com was produced by COMPAGNIE FRANÇAISE DES GRANDS VINS (CFGV), French public limited company (“société anonyme”) with share capital of €4,411,216, registered in the Melun Trade and Companies Registry under number B 542 095 393, having its registered office at rue Gustave Eiffel 77220, Tournan en Brie, France.
Publishing Manager: Franck Ribayre

Multimedia design and development

The website veuvedevienne.com was designed by 9ème SENS, French limited liability company (EURL) with share capital of € 1000, registered in the France Trade and Companies Registry under number FR35 753534452, having its registered office at Perpignan, France.

Tel.: +33 (0)6 78 23 98 43
Website: www.9eme-sens.fr


The website veuvedevienne.com is hosted by Studio Paul et Ludo.
Tel.: + 33 (0)6 78 70 42 56
Website: ww.paul-ludo.com

By browsing this Website (hereinafter “the Website”), you agree to the User Terms and Conditions of Use (hereinafter “the Terms and Conditions”), as set out below. CFGV may occasionally update these Terms and Conditions; you are required to read the Terms and Conditions each time you access the Website.

CFGV maintains this Website for the personal use of persons legally authorised to consume alcoholic beverages in countries where the consumption of alcoholic beverages is permitted.

Please leave this Website immediately if you do not agree to the Terms and Conditions of Use, if you are not of legal drinking age in the country in which you are located, or if you are in a country where the use of this Website is not authorised; CFGV shall not be held liable if these provisions are not complied with.

Disclaimer of liability

To the best of its ability, CFGV strives to ensure that all information provided on this Website and on any other subsidiary website that directly links to it is accurate and up to date.

CFGV reserves the right to correct the contents of this website at any time and without notice.

However, CFGV cannot guarantee the accuracy, precision or exhaustive nature of the information made available on this website.

Therefore, CFGV declines all liability in this respect and shall not be held liable under any circumstances:

o for any website interruptions;

o for the occurrence of bugs;

o for any inaccuracy, isolated and inadvertent error or omission relating to the information contained on the website;

o for any damage resulting from fraudulent intrusion by a third party resulting in a modification of the information available on the website; and more generally for any direct or indirect damage, regardless of the cause, origin, nature or consequences, that may arise as a result of any person accessing the website, an inability to access it, or reliance on any information coming directly or indirectly from such person.

Furthermore, CFGV does not guarantee that the server that hosts the Website is free of viruses or that a technical problem will not occur that could damage the components of the user’s computer or stored data.

In any event, CFGV or any of its subcontractors shall not be held liable for any damage that may occur when connecting to this Website.

Confidentiality, Copyright, Trademarks and other Proprietary Rights

The Website and any software used in connection with it may contain confidential information protected by all applicable intellectual property rights or other laws and regulations.

As such, unless otherwise stated, the intellectual property rights over the documents contained on the Website and each element created for the Website are the exclusive property of CFGV: no licence or any right other than the right to visit the Website is granted to any party with regard to intellectual property rights.

Making copies of documents from the Website is authorised for information purposes only and exclusively for personal and private use; any reproduction or use of copies made for other purposes is expressly prohibited.

Printing or downloading any material or information contained on the Website is subject to the following five conditions:

(i) the material or information is for personal, non-commercial use only; (ii) the copyright notice or other proprietary notices are not removed from the material or information; (iii) the material or information is not modified in any way whatsoever; (iv) you are in a country where consuming alcoholic beverages is permitted; and (v) you are of legal drinking age in the country where you are located.

You shall not copy, modify, produce a derivative work, reverse engineer, disassemble or otherwise attempt to locate the source code (unless otherwise provided for by law), sell, assign, sub-license or otherwise transfer any rights relating to the software.

Finally, you are also prohibited from modifying the software or using modified versions of the software, in particular (without this list being exhaustive) with a view to obtaining unauthorised access to the service and accessing the Website by any means other than through the interface provided for this purpose by CFGV.

Respect for privacy

The following undertaking describes CFGV’s practices for gathering and use information for the Website (hereinafter “the Website”), including the type of information collected and how it is used.

·Personal data protection

As a rule, you may visit our website without disclosing any personal information, such as your name, address, telephone number or email address.

However, when you first access the Website, you will be asked to confirm that you are of legal drinking age in the country where you are located. We use this information to prevent minors and those whose country of residence prohibits the consumption of alcoholic beverages from accessing the Website.

In some sections of this Website, we may ask you to provide personal information so that we can provide you with any information requested, respond to online feedback, or enable you to take part in surveys. You may also be asked for certain demographic-related information (language, country of residence) to tailor the content of the Website to your specific requirements. You are not required to provide us with such personal information; please note however that should you choose not to provide us with this information, we may not be able to respond to some of your requests.

If you do not want your personal information to be collected, simply ignore requests for information on the website.

We make significant efforts to ensure that the personal information you share with us remains confidential. We do not sell, lease or otherwise disclose this information to third parties, unless required to do so by applicable laws, the relevant authorities or to cooperate in legal proceedings. We may share a set of anonymous data with other companies we work with for market research purposes.

·Automatically collected data

When you visit our website the domain server automatically sends us your IP address, as well as information such as the date and duration of your visit to the website, or the IP addresses you are directed to through links contained on our website.

This information may be used to tailor the content of our website to your requirements.

Like many companies, we may store information on your computer in the form of “cookies”. Cookies enable us to see which sites you visited before arriving at our website, or which pages you have viewed on our website.

These cookies do not collect any personal information of any kind. You may delete these cookies from your hard drive, block them or set up a notification before they are installed on your hard drive.

·No collection of information relating to minors

We remind you that this website is not intended for minors or people who are not yet of legal drinking age in their country of residence. As such, CFGV will not knowingly collect information on minors, whether or not they have been authorized by their legal representatives. Where applicable, CFGV will not provide this information to third parties. Finally, and pursuant to Art. 34 of the French Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978, we hereby remind you that you have a right to access, modify, rectify and delete your personal data. To exercise this right, please contact CFGV at Rue Gustave Eiffel, 77220 Tournan en Brie, France.

·Unsolicited correspondence

CFGV does not send unsolicited correspondence or spam. You may unsubscribe from the mailing list at any time by emailing via our contact sheet with the word “UNSUBSCRIBE” in the Subject line.

·General information

References to a specific product or service do not imply that CFGV and its affiliates intend to make these products or services available in all countries.


The website may include links to other websites or internet sources. Given that CFGV has no control over these external websites and sources, it cannot be held liable for the availability of such external websites and sources, and shall not be held liable for the content, advertising, products, services or any other material made available on or from these external websites or sources.
Furthermore, CFGV shall not be held liable for any proven or alleged damage or loss resulting from or in relation to the use of or reliance on the content, products or services available of these external websites or sources.

·Respect for privacy

This site uses Google Analytics cookies, which help us to identify the content that interests you most and to identify certain malfunctions. Your browsing data on this site is sent to Google Inc. anonymously. For more information, see our privacy policy.

CFGV will never share, sell or rent your personal information unless required by law. When you provide us with personal information, it is only available to our employees for the purpose of contacting you by telephone or sending you emails in response to your requests.

In accordance with French law (Law 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms), you have the right to oppose, access, rectify and delete data concerning you. You can exercise this right by writing to us via our contact page.


The concern to minimize the negative environmental and social impacts of our activity is not just a fashion statement. It is an extension of our commitment to quality. We lead and encourage innovative initiatives to generalize the consideration of sustainable development issues.

We also invite you to do your part by sorting your packaging, in accordance with local regulations in your country. To help you do the right thing, here are the materials used for Veuve Devienne:

- Glass bottle / Cork stopper / Iron wirehood / Complex aluminum cap / Labels

Our packaging is composed of 75% recycled materials and is potentially 98.5% recyclable. The glass bottle is not reusable because of safety constraints due to the pressure of our wines.

And all these materials are not compostable and do not contain dangerous substances.


In 1980, a committee of experts from the World Health Organization highlighted the fact that the risks associated with the consumption of alcoholic beverages increase above certain thresholds. On the basis of this work, it is recommended not to consume more than:

- 2 drinks of alcohol per day for women (the equivalent of up to 200 ml wine with 12.5 vol%)

- 3 drinks of alcohol per day for men (the equivalent of up to 300 ml wine with 12.5 vol%)

- 4 drinks of alcohol for occasional consumption

- 0 drinks of alcohol in risky situations (pregnancy, medication...)

and at least one day a week in all other situations.


Wine is one of the beverages with a caloric intake. However, several parameters, such as color, influence the number of calories in a glass of wine. If you would like more information about the calorie content of drinks in general, please visit


And for Veuve Devienne, find this information on our different product pages.